Root Canal Treatment
Endodontics, or root canal therapy, is administered by skilled dentists in Cleveland. Our experts address infections or irreversible inflammation affecting tooth nerves and pulp, caused by deep decay, fractures, or periodontal disease if untreated.
Specialized Root Canal Therapy in Cleveland
For those needing root canal therapy in Cleveland, Carpe Diem Dental Spa offers dedicated expertise in precise and careful procedures.
Tooth Structure Overview - A tooth has three components:
Enamel. Tough outer layer.
Dentine.Supportive, bone-like substance.
Pulp.Soft tissue with nerves and blood vessels at the tooth's center.
Why I Need Root Canal
What Is Root Canal?
Within a tooth, the pulp extends through the interior, reaching into the gum and jawbone, forming a pathway known as a root canal. Contrary to the term's implication, the root canal is not empty, rather, it consists of soft tissue containing nerves and blood vessels. Some teeth may even have more than one root canal.
If bacteria infect the pulp, it can lead to its deterioration, risking the loss of the tooth. Moreover, the infection might extend into the root canal, potentially causing a painful dental abscess, a swelling filled with pus. This infection could further spread to the gums (resulting in a perio-endo lesion) or the supporting tissues and bones for the teeth (periodontitis).
Root canal treatment aims to salvage the tooth and prevent the risk of root canal infection. The infected or inflamed pulp is extracted, and the root canal is thoroughly cleansed of bacteria. Following the removal of bacteria, an artificial substance is used to fill the root canal and pulp, which is then sealed. Discover more about our patient’s experiences through our testimonials.
Signs You May need Root Canal
Pain, Cold/Hot Sensitivity, Swollen- Call Us
A root canal treatment is often prescribed in instances of a cracked tooth, deep cavity, or to correct complications resulting from a previous filling. Symptoms that may indicate a root canal therapy is necessary can include:
Tooth sensitivity to hot/cold foods and drinks
Pain while biting or chewing
Tooth that is cracked or chipped deeply
Gums are swollen or sensitive
Darkening of gums around tooth
Abscess (pimple-like object) on gums
While the presence of one or more of these symptoms does not immediately indicate a root canal treatment should be performed, it does mean you should have the tooth checked out by a dentist as soon as possible.
Root Canal Treatment Benefits
Preservation of your natural tooth
Sustain your authentic smile
Uninterrupted enjoyment of your preferred foods
Effective pain relief
Often provide a lifelong solution post-healing
Competitively priced
High treatment success rate of 95%
Typically involve only one or two appointments
A root canal treatment is among the most challenging tasks for a dentist. It involves skills and emphasizing the importance of precise measurements, proper instrumentation, and effective moisture (bacteria) control to achieve a successful outcome.
Don’t Avoid Root Canal Therapy. Here’s Why?
When the pulp and nerves of a tooth are overwhelmed by decay or infection, root canal therapy is usually the last opportunity to save the tooth. If the infection is allowed to fester, you may be faced with significant jaw bone pain. Dental abscesses may form, which can potentially lead to complications such as heart attack, sepsis, or stroke. What if the tooth pain goes away? Infected root canals usually do not resolve themselves. If your tooth pain seems to go away, this may mean the nerves within the tooth have succumbed to infection and died. This will likely result in the loss of the tooth.
Why Choose Us For Root Canal Treatment?
Highly rated dentist in Cleveland
Highly skilled and experienced dental team
Extremely competitive prices
5-star rated clinic in Cleveland, Solon
How Does Root Canal Therapy Work?
The goal of root canal therapy is to save the tooth. To do this, the dentist or endodontist will remove the infected tooth pulp, fill the tooth, seal it to prevent re-infection, and then restore the tooth to its original strength. Here are some of the steps that go into a typical root canal procedure:
• Examination. All root canal treatments begin with a thorough examination of the tooth. This is usually performed with either an X-ray or CT scan.
• Prepare the tooth. If it is determined a root canal treatment is necessary, the dentist will numb the area around the tooth and place a flexible membrane (dental dam) around the tooth to isolate it from the rest of the mouth.
• The procedure. To access the root canals, the doctor drills a hole through the crown of the tooth. Specialized tools are then used to remove tooth pulp from the root canals and pulp chamber.
• Clean and shape. To ensure the tooth is free from bacteria, the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and prepared for filling. This also helps ensure every surface is covered by the filling material.
• Tooth is filled and sealed. Once the inside of the tooth is cleaned and prepped, it is then filled with a biocompatible material, typically natural gutta-percha. The opening of the tooth is then sealed off with a temporary filling material.
• The restoration. In most cases — and especially molars that have undergone root canal therapy — a crown will be placed atop the tooth to send it from bacteria and strengthen it. A recent Journal of Endodontics study found teeth that undergo root canal therapy and receive a restorative crown have a 90% chance of survival.
Is root canal treatment painful?
No, when performed by a skilled dentist, root canal treatment is generally relatively painless.
What techniques are used in root canal treatment at your clinic?
We employ advanced techniques such as laser, electronic apex locators, and Sodium hypochlorite.
Why not just extract the tooth instead of opting for root canal treatment?
Extracting a tooth may alleviate pain but could lead to complications like shifting teeth and jaw bone resorption.
What should I know about root canal therapy in terms of pain and relief?
Most patients report pain is associated with the lead-up to the procedure, and root canal therapy aims to save the tooth and provide genuine relief.
How long does a typical root canal treatment take?
Root canal treatments are often completed in one or two appointments, offering a convenient and efficient solution.
Do you perform root canal treatments in your Solon, Ohio office?
Yes, we handle most root canal treatments in our office, and referrals to endodontists are made for complex cases.
How can I schedule an appointment for root canal treatment?
Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discuss any concerns or questions you may have about root canal treatment.
Solon's Root Canal Dentist
We Look Forward To Helping You Save Your Tooth!